#!/bin/sh # Init script for the web camera server. # Copyright 2004 Marko Makela (http://www.iki.fi/~msmakela/) # This file is in the public domain. Other files on this floppy # are licensed under various open licenses. The source code # and the build instructions can be obtained from Marko Makela. # Copy the OpenSSH files. cp /floppy/ssh/id_dsa* /.ssh/ cp /floppy/ssh/known_ho.sts /.ssh/known_hosts # Configure the network interface. ifconfig eth0 up udhcpc # Start the capture. while : do # The following line is unique to each installation. sender /dev/video1394/0 ssh user@example.com. receiver echo "sender failed with status $?; retrying in 10 seconds" sleep 10 done