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Marko Mäkelä’s old computers: Internal Memory Expansions for the Commodore 64 and Commodore 128

In 1987, the Finnish Mikrobitti magazine published Pekka Pessi’s plans for an internal 256-kilobyte memory expansion for the Commodore 64. In 1994, Marko Mäkelä translated the plans into English, made minor improvements to the design and adapted it for the Commodore 128 as two independent expansions: doubling the number of MMU banks from 2 to 4, and enlarging each bank from 64 to 256 kilobytes as in the Commodore 64 memory expansion.

These memory expansions are supported by the cbmlink networking suite and the software that is available on this page. If you know of other software supporting these memory expansions, please let me know.

If you would like to play around with the memory expansion without building the hardware, please have a look at x64 in VICE 1.19.


Document: Memory expansions for the Commodore 64 (256 kilobytes of internal memory)
Typeset in PDF
Source code for LATEX 2.09 or LATEX2ε
Document: Memory expansions for the Commodore 128 (256, 512 or 1024 kilobytes of internal memory)
Typeset in PDF
Source code for LATEX 2.09 or LATEX2ε
Software for the Commodore 64 by Pekka Pessi
Source code for RAM disk and some other utilities
RAM disk, miscellanous utilities and some source code
Software for the Commodore 128
Source code of a program that precomputes images of the globe and then displays a smoothly rotating globe on the screen of a Commodore 128 with 512 or 1024 kilobytes of internal memory, written by Marko Mäkelä. The code and data for drawing images of the globe have been disassembled from a program written by Georg Schwarz. The source code can be compiled with DASM 2.12.04.
A compiled version of the globe viewer for systems where the PIA controlling the memory banking resides at $dfc0.
A compiled version of the globe viewer for systems where the PIA controlling the memory banking resides at $d7c0.